



One day, Taichi, an ordinary university student meets Mioka, a girl who is like a storm. Taichi finds himself drawn to Mioka, who lives freely as she wishes without holding back, and they eventually fall in love. However, Mioka tells Taichi of her shocking truth. She has an incurable brain disease, with no medicine or treatment that can help her.

The progressing disease.

The loss of control over her own body.

The precious memories slowly fading away.

The fear of losing herself.

The limited time she has left.

Even with such a cruel fate, Mioka lives her life to the fullest extent till the end. Taichi, wholeheartedly loving her, decides to become the witness of her very existence in this world. --NTV

My thoughts:

I really liked this drama.
Although it sounds bad to say I enjoyed waiting and watching the last days of a character I liked before she eventually died.

I think this drama was well balanced out, the way it moved from an emotional and sad scene to one of happiness and laughter.

I think this was something that each of the characters from Mioka's group of new found friends brought to us.

This drama started out with a bubbly and lively Mioka, whose ideals are to live life to the fullest without a care in the world, much to the disliking of other people especially girls who like boys that have wanted Mioka.
This is also the case for one of Mioka's friends, Mari, who has liked Taichi for some time, but has not made her move until after Taichi had met Mioka.
I started out disliking Mari because to me she seemed like somewhat of a stuck up bitch that wants to have things her own way, I also thought she was going to be evil towards Mioka in order to get the man she wants back.

I think for Taichi, his experience with Mioka, helped him to grow and become mature.

I really liked the character of Kunihiko, he was the comdian amongst the group of friends.

I really liked that in this drama the Doctor and Patient are the same actors that played the Doctor and Patient in a drama that I Love ~ 'Love Shuffle'.
Just this made me feel all warm and fuzzy and just plai fangirly inside 8D
I also felt this way because the actors who play the character Kunihiko & Mioka have both acted together in another drama that I really enjoyed ~ 'Tokyo DOGS'.

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