

My Girl

The story revolves around a 23-year-old man named, Kazama Masamune. During high school, he had a girlfriend four years older than him, but she suddenly leaves to go abroad. Six years later, he receives news that she has passed away. In addition, she secretly gave birth to Masamune's daughter. Now the five-year-old daughter, Koharu, is returning home to Japan, and Masamune must raise her.~http://wiki.d-addicts.com/My_Girl_(TV_Asahi)

My thoughts:
I watched this drama because of a certain 嵐Arashi member Aiba Masaki. I think the girl who plays Koharu is very cute.

I really liked the relationship between Koharu and Masamune.

Although they did get off to a bad start, both Koharu & Masamune were able to love and support one another, they have created such an amazing bond.


I was also very happy to see a cameo appearence by 嵐 member Sakurai Sho.
I think its nice they have a guest role in one anothers dramas.

What I did not like about this drama is that for awhile Koharu & Masamune were seperated, well not only seperated but also in entirely different countries for sometime. I did not like this because I did not like the thought of Koharu & Masamune being apart.

Something which I liked but at the same time disliked about My Girl, is that Koharu is soo sweet and soo strong, I just could not like seeing her sad.

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