

Summer Snow

A love story between a young man who has been forced to grow up too quickly, and a young woman with an ailment that has placed restrictions on her life. Natsuo has been looking after his younger brother and sister since the death of their parents. He has also been running the family bicycle shop. Yuki becomes the only person in the world in whom he can confide. For Yuki, Natsuo becomes the catalyst that has her trying to break out of her cocoon. -- KIKU-TV

My thoughts:
At first I did not think I would like this drama, I don't know why I thought this, but when I did finally get around to watching I enjoyed this drama very much.

I liked the character of Natsuo alot, he was very cheerfl, kind and lively, I would liek to have a brother like him, Infact I like all of their family and would feel very honoured to have a family like them.

I'm ashamed to say this but it took me until about episode five to realise that Hiroto is acted by Imai Tsubasa.

Regarding the character of Jun, I quite liked him, I think he would be a very nice friend to have and that he would be great to help me study, I feel he would give me the support I need to try my hardest not only in life but also in my studies.I admire Jun as he tries his hardest despite what people around him are doing and the difficulties he is facing.

I think that Oguri Shun played the character well, When I was younger I had a friend who had 2 brothers, both of whom had hearing problems and voice problems. When I heard Jun speak I was reminded of them, Therefore I must praise Oguri Shun on how well he managed to alter his own voice for Jun's character.

What I did not like about this drama was the fact that I successfully guessed correctly about the ending of Natsuo's charcter, I was hoping I would be wrong.

Although things always seemed to go from bad to worse or when things were going fine something would always come along to ruin it, I feel that the family were a great unit and were able to provide the support each member really needed, I would like to have a family like this.

I did not entirely like the ending, however I was happy to see that they were all happy and still in contact with one another.

I'm not sure if I would watch this again because I do not like a tearkerker, however I would reccomend this drama and If I am ever in the mood to watch something with either of the actors I would proberbly choose this to watch, as it was good and did have a lot of light hearted comedy, as well as its fair share of sadness.

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