

フリーター、家を買う Freeter, ie o kau

The story revolves around Take Seiji, who quits his job after three months. With no dreams, no savings, and a poor relationship with his family, he becomes a hikikomori. However, after his mother falls ill with depression, he ends up having to take on a part-time job at a construction site. Because of that, he soon decides to work towards rebuilding his life: "Even though I'm just a freeter, I'm going to buy a house for the sake of my family." One of the people he meets at the construction site is Chiba Manami, who graduated from a top-class university and joined a well-known general contracting firm. Manami is the complete opposite of Seiji. But while their personalities clash at first, they gradually come to understand each other. --Tokyograph

My thoughts:

I wont be calling this a favourite drama anytime soon, nor do I care to re-watch it.
It was not THAT bad of a drama, I just found the mother to be quite pathetic, other people have harder things happening to them, but still are able to go about their everyday lives, unfortunately this maybe too harsh of a view of me to hold, I should try to sympathise with her situation more.

I can understand her lonliness of having a husband who does not easily show his love and care for his family, but I think his attitude towards doing things, is just his way of caring.
The best example of this is when we see the mother in hospital, and he is by her side, here we see that he really loves this women and is very worried about her. Not showing his own weaknesses to his family etc, I feel this is his way of caring.

I think this drama has a nice sentiment, in that the son wants his family particularly his mother, who he feels needs the love and support of her family now more than ever, to have a good life, and to truelly be happy, Thus sets out to find the best possibl way to do this , by first solving his families biggest hinderence ~ the cruelty of the neighbours, he does this by setting out to find his mom a nice home. Where she will be able to create a new life, one which is free of the suffering she currently has.

I thought it was good, that we get to see the harsh reality of the workplace and real life. This is something we are not taught in schools and can only experience once we are going out into the big wide world.

What I liked about this drama, is that we see a variety of people whom all have ideals of what they want, but gradually come to accept that the ideals they once had are not necessarily the right way to go, for example; Akari - she wants someone with a higher status, and income, that the people she works with, but gradually comes to the realisation that some things are more important than wealth and status, as she finds real love.
Tis is also evident, Seiji himself, as he took on a job that to him was something to do whilst looking for a better job; one which would give people a better view of him within society and not one that is for those of societies lower classes.
However, once Seiji comes to see that he can attain true happiness working in this environment, unlike any job he previously had and those he was aspiring within the higher classes of society, he is able to see that his initial ideals were not something he truely desires in life.

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